
Thank you!

Thank you for donating to the many ministries and mission of First Christian Church (FCC). There are a number of options for you to choose from that help you to make a secure donation to FCC.

Another secure method is to set up First Christian Church as a bill in your online banking system. You can safely add a recurring gift by paying your tithe through your own bank!

Please contact your bank or visit your bank’s app on your phone for more details.

You may also mail a check to
First Christian Church, c/o Bookeeping,
1166 Oak Street, Eugene, OR 97401.

There are many so many ways to give generously: We can give our presence with each other in worship. We can volunteer for an outreach effort. We can join a committee or the softball team or host a Dining for Dollars Event. We can donate to specific funds that benefit wonderful charities. We can also benefit First Christian Church when we shop at Amazon, Safeway, Market of Choice and others!

Online Giving

Electronic giving offers convenience for individuals and the recurring giving option provides consistency for the giver and the congregation. Online Giving lets you give at any time to set up an automatic donation plan, change your donation plan, make a one-time donation or view your online donation history. We use a Web Ministry tool that gives a secure webpage to make your online payment.

Thank you for your donation and support of the ministries at First Christian Church.

If you use EScrip

What is EScrip? “EScrip is proven to be a fantastic resource for fundraising where participating business partners contribute a percentage of your grocery loyalty cards, credit card, and debit/ATM card purchases to the school, group or organization of your choice.” Check out the family of merchants for a complete list of participants in the EScrip program.

You will need to register your debit or credit card here and then select First Christian Church. Participating merchants will make contributions to FCC, based on purchases made by you, just by using the cards you have registered. You can see their contributions online.

First Christian Church eScrip Group ID – 9614848