
Chancel Choir
FCCE’s Chancel Choir offers special music selections throughout the year, singing both a cappella and with accompaniment. Bringing varied voices into a collaborative sound is a practice both spiritual and musical. Rehearsals are held Wednesdays at 7pm in the chapel (ground level, to the left of the church office). Please contact Angela or the church office to get the door code.
Worship Musicians
Our 10:30am Sunday church music is guided by the worship musicians, consisting of both instrumentalists and vocalists who serve on a rotating basis through the month. If you are interested in singing or playing with the band, please contact Angela.
Additionally, special music may be provided on occasion by individuals and other small group or ensemble formats. If you are inspired to provide a musical offering, please contact Angela.
Handbell Choir
Our Historic Estey Organ
In 1913, the organ was built and installed by the Estey Organ Company at a cost of $1,300.
The original console was attached to the case of the organ and was later detached and replaced with a modern remote console. The Estey organ was installed with 18 ranks of pipes and after several modifications and a major rebuild currently has 35 ranks.
The organ is maintained by Lanny Hochhalter of Salem, OR. Through the generous gifts of members of the First Christian Church community, the organ is constantly being refined and improved upon. Future modifications may include replacement of some of the more fragile or damaged pipes from the original organ.
The pipe organ has played a significant role in the tradition of protestant worship for centuries. First Christian Church is proud to carry on that tradition in weekly services of worship, special services, weddings, and community events throughout the year.
If you would like more information about the instruments of First Christian Church, or would like a tour of the organ, please contact the church office at 541-344-1425.