Our Partners
There are so many wonderful outreach organizations in Eugene, it is hard to keep track of them! These are just a few of the excellent organization that we partner with or support.
Lane County Partners
EMO: Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon is a statewide association of Christian denominations, congregations, ecumenical organizations and interfaith partners working together to improve the lives of Oregonians through community ministry programs, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, environmental ministry and public policy advocacy. For More Info
SquareOne Villages: and its affiliated organizations work to create self-managed communities of cost-effective tiny houses for people in need of housing. For More Info
Food for Lane County: FFLC is the food bank for Lane County and is a primary source of food donations for our Sunday Breakfast, the Egan Warming Center and the Interfaith Shelter. For More Info
St. Vincent de Paul: St. Vincent runs three programs which use our facility: the Interfaith Shelter which provides emergency shelter for homeless families and uses our basement for three weeks at the end of the school year; the Egan Warming Center which provides emergency shelter for homeless adults during the winter on nights when the temperature drops below 30 degrees; and the parking lot camping program which allows homeless individuals and families to camp in vehicles or RVs in parking lots. For More Info
Nobel Peace Laureate: First Christian Church sponsored a plaque in honor of Nobel Peace Laureate Barack Obama at the Nobel Peace Laureate Monument in Alton Baker Park. The monument honors all Nobel Peace Laureates from the U.S. and is the first of its kind in the nation.
Emerald Valley Intergroup: Two AA meetings are currently hosted at Eugene First Christian, the Lambda Spiritual Sundays at 5pm on Sundays, and the Are We Done Yet? Young Peoples AA at 7:30 pm on Mondays. Both these meetings are found on the online schedule, and any added meetings would be added to the same schedule that can be found here.
As an Open and Affirming Congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), our congregation works with several organizations which work to provide support and information on issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity. These organizations include the Religious Response Network (a local organization), Welcoming Congregations (a statewide organization), Gay and Lesbian Affirming Disciples (a national organization). Other organizations with which we often work on these issues include Basic Rights Oregon and PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays).
The Good Samaritan Ministry works with a number of local organizations to provide assistance to people in need. Some of these include Occupy Medical, Catholic Community Services, and White Bird.