How to Contact Us

Church Administrative Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Address: 1166 Oak Street, Eugene, OR 97401 (see Map and Directions)
Phone: (541) 344-1425

Special Office Hours
The Church office will be closed for the following holidays: New Year’s Eve & Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & following day, Christmas Eve & Day. If the holiday falls on a weekend, the national holiday will be observed on the Friday or the Monday.
Areas of Operation

Pastor Zane Ridings
Co-Pastor Rev. Zane Ridings is out of the office on Monday. He is responsible for Community Ministries, Facilities and Global Ministries.
Note: Pastor Zane will be out of the office for the month of April.
Contact at:

Pastor Reneé Windsor-White
Co-Pastor Rev. Windsor-White is out of the office on Tuesday. She is responsible for Spiritual Formation, Administrative Ministries, Stewardship & Budget, and Worship.
Note: Pastor Renée will be in the office Monday – Thursday during April
Contact at:
There are only a limited number of free parking spots surrounding the church. Even if a spot is marked “Church Business Parking: One Hour Only”, you may exceed an hour if you are participating in any church function. If all the spots are full, you can come into the office and request a parking slip that allowed you to park in the Willamette parking lot for free while at the church.
The surrounding lots on the West and East sides (Willamette Street lot and Oak Street lot) are paid parking lots managed by Diamond Parking. You will have to pay to park there or in metered street parking on Oak Street.
Wheel Chair Accessibility
From the south parking lot, go north on Oak Street. Just past the church steps, take a left and follow the path to the north side of the building. There is our entrance for the elevator. You will take it up one floor to the sanctuary.